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Dr. Jeff Mims
Senior Pastor
Jack Oliver
Family Life Pastor
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Pat Poindexter
Executive Assistant
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Nathan McClendon
Next Steps Pastor
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Ariadna Toress
Kids' & Family Life Assistant
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Kirk Kirkland
Minister of Music &
Counseling Pastor
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Joy Smith
Music Ministry Assistant
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Patton McClendon
Student Pastor
(7-12th Grade)
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Tyler Dunn
Student Ministry Associate
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Leslie Strange
Student & Merge Ministry Assistant
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Dan King
Pastor of Recreation
& Merge (5-6th Grade)
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Rich Smith
Kids' Pastor (K-4th Grade)
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Jeralyn Collins
Director of Preschool
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Joe Evans
Minister to Senior Adults
& Pastoral Care
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Emily Boggess
Receptionist, Senior Adult & Counseling Assistant
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David Canniff
Business Administrator
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Lori Hopkins
Financial Assistant
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Richard McKee
Director of Security
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Eric Valentine
Director of Media
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Presley Clark
Director of Communications
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